Saturday, December 20, 2008

Basis J2EE server problem after installing on x64 systems

I encountered this error recently when i installed NW 7.0 (2004s) on Windows Server 2003 x64 with MSSQL. The system seemed to be working fine, instances were green; but as soon as i tried to open a browser and log on to SLD, i got an error that the Page cannot be found. Surprisingly, when i returned to sapmmc console to check the status, now the J2EE server wasn't green anymore, it suddenly stopped and restarted.

After some digging around on all sorts of forums and checking the logs (dev_dispatcher) i saw that the Java error was returning code 666 (ironic, isn't it :P) and soon discovered that on all SAP installations on 64bit operating systems, you MUST modify the Java Heap size parameters using the J2EE config tool;

The parameters you need to modify for your instance must follow some rules; every information needed is found in SAP Note Number 723909.

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