Saturday, December 20, 2008

PI configuration step error

I discovered a minor problem when configuring manually an SAP system with usage type PI. On the second step of the configuration, Configuring Workflow for BPM, you must execute tcode SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING. When trying to perform execute for the activity "Schedule Background Job for Deadline Monitoring", the system displays the error message "Error within method CL_SWF_ADM_JOB_FACTORY=>GET_INSTANCE->" . Then, the system does not schedule the relevant job and the status icon displays a red cross. This happens because that activity is obsolete and was not removed from automatic customizing by mistake; so you must :

1. execute transaction SM30

2. maintain the view SWFCTASK.

3. Delete all the rows for "CL_SWF_CST_DEADL_SERVICE_JOB" (usually there are two)

4. Don't forget to save;

Now, in SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING you should be able to get green crosses everywhere, and move on to the next configuration step...

PS: these instructions are mentioned in SAP Note 1117735


Anonymous said...


A colleague of mine had a similar issue, I guess he managed to work around it.
My question is: if eventually yopu don't get all the "green crosses", will that affect the display/enable of BI reports in the Portal/MSS?

Best regards

Antonio Caldas

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